Saturday, September 20, 2008

Abhishek Had A Close Escape from the Delhi Blast!

Abhishek Bachchan had a real close escape from yesterday’s Delhi Bomb Blasts. Amitabh Bachchan wrote on his blog that the traffic jam prevented Abhishek reaching Cannaught Place at the time of the blast. And he is safe today.

Bachchan writes, “Abhishek had left in the afternoon for New Delhi and was on his way to Connaught Place for a function he had to attend. Minutes away from there, the traffic became a snarl and he knew he would not make it in time so he asked to turn back. And the blast happened just then !!”
He further wrote how Abhishek felt, “Shattered and shocked he called to say he was alright. Close.”

Bachchan sympathises with the victims of terror strike and writes,”But what of those that bore the brunt. Innocent unaware and victims…We live in difficult times. What kind of an environment are we leaving behind for our next generation. Or do we not concern ourselves with that. We need peace and harmony. Such wonderful and easy words to type on a computer. So difficult to achieve.”
Indeed! Those who lost their lives in the blast, may their souls rest in peace. And those who lost their family members and closed ones, may they find strength to cope with the loss.

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